Waiting by Javier Mendoza
I was familiar with Javier Mendoza because his band had been featured on KSDK. Hearing one of his songs on a St. Louis radio station caused me to buy his CD Step Into My Place. The first song on the CD was Waiting. And as soon as I heard the lyrics, I felt it would be perfect for my documentary. I emailed Javier and explained that I loved the song and asked if he would be willing to do a slower, acoustic version. He consented and I think the music adds a lot to the documentary. Besides using the song for the closing credits, we used the “Waiting” melody as an instrumental background during the documentary.
Art Holliday
Song and lyrics by Javier Mendoza
Can you hear me now?
The voices in my head speak out loud
My world is spinning and I keep dreaming as I fall to the ground
Can you lift me up?
My feet keep digging in the mud
My mind is swimming but I’m not quitting
Until my eyes are shut
The sun keeps hiding behind the clouds
As you keep your distance behind your frown
I’ve climbed the mountain to find it all
But I keep on searching
While I’m waiting for the sun
I’m waiting for the rain to fall
I’m waiting without reason
I’m waiting for your call.